Saturday, 22 November 2014


Finally made it to the first milestone - linking something in the real world with an equivalent in the simulation. In the video below you can see Jack turning a lamp on and off. It's physical counterpart follow suit.

(You may also notice a small white circle around the switch - this represents the sound of the switch to us the viewers; soon Jack will actually 'hear' it.)

With this proof-of-concept in the bag, we'll move on to modelling a full computer keyboard; and you can probably guess where that's heading. At the same time we'll be reaching out to some social media sites get their views on Jack being a user. On that note, please get in touch if you can help out with that - I know from experience that it's pretty hard to hold of someone savvy at a big corp.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Milestone Approaching

Made some good progress towards the project milestone of associating a simulated light with a real-world light. The association will be such that if the simulated light gets turned on, the real one also comes on. If the real-world light is then switched off, it goes off in the simulation as well. The video below shows some progress towards that goal - specifically using inverse-kinematics to move a hand to a light switch.

This may seem like arbitrary functionality, but it demonstrates one of the key areas of the project - the synchronous nature of the simulation.

Friday, 19 September 2014


This is the first project update since January - but I haven't been slacking, I promise! At some point back then I realised that Jack (which I've named one of the MindLoop entities) would need to be able to read - which from a software point of view means OCR. It turns out that if you only spend 2 hours a week on it, OCR takes about 8 months!

Distorted numbers, singled out with labelled bounding boxes.

I've been working exclusively on the OCR proof-of-concept as the capability means lots of exciting possibilities and a more 'authentic' AI overall. As you can see above the code is performing quite nicely - it hasn't correctly identified all of the numbers, but I'm calling this 'feasibility study' a success as I'm confident that with more time, much better results will be possible.

From now on I hope to have a few project areas on the go at any one time, so there should be more regular updates in future.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Finally managed to get back to the mind-loop project after a number of distractions! To ease into the 3D code I've added a star field around the Earth. In the picture we're looking 'up' at the Earth from below the South pole - accordingly the Pole-star can be seen in the middle of the picture and the Big-Dipper off to the right. Many thanks to David Nash for making the super easy to use HYG Star Database available.