Friday, 19 September 2014


This is the first project update since January - but I haven't been slacking, I promise! At some point back then I realised that Jack (which I've named one of the MindLoop entities) would need to be able to read - which from a software point of view means OCR. It turns out that if you only spend 2 hours a week on it, OCR takes about 8 months!

Distorted numbers, singled out with labelled bounding boxes.

I've been working exclusively on the OCR proof-of-concept as the capability means lots of exciting possibilities and a more 'authentic' AI overall. As you can see above the code is performing quite nicely - it hasn't correctly identified all of the numbers, but I'm calling this 'feasibility study' a success as I'm confident that with more time, much better results will be possible.

From now on I hope to have a few project areas on the go at any one time, so there should be more regular updates in future.

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